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Covid, its here to stay for a while longer. Wether you think it’s a “plannedemic”; Bill Gates’ master plan to stop overpopulation (why would he do that? Where would he get new customers), an unfortunate situation that makes the world unite, or just an excuse for governments to see how much (or how little) they can get away with, we have to find some way to survive through this all (survive the economy and governments, not the COVID, seeing as it has a 99% survival rate).

Media hype, Us vs Them debates and riots aside, out in South Africa I hear that they just got out of level 3 again; probably good to have a little “dop” after last week I suppose, or perhaps a time to sober up, work on the escape plan, whatever form that might take. All over the world sometimes it seems like you can’t really rely on the government to think for you. Now don’t get me wrong, as an expat living in Taiwan for quite a few years now, and they have really made life easy for me here, and made my life far more convenient, without too much needed to be done; unlike my friend whose in Poland now, and saying that he had to run hoops and stress a year to keep his VISA in Poland active. I really do respect what they (the Taiwanese government) have done as a tiny island nation of 24 million people, with a small “willied” big brother breathing down your neck, asking you if you don’t want to try their nice little vaccine. Imagining China and Taiwan having that discussion must have gone something like this:

“Oh, hey Taiwan. We see you got the COVID there…oh no..it seems to be spreading a lot…damn, that’s bad.

“Yeah…thanks for the apology…”

“We didn’t do anything. Anyway, we see its just growing and you seem to have no vaccines, you know since, you ordered from Germany, but Germany recognizes the fact that Taiwan and China are the same nation, so you know, they can’t deliver to Taiwan, because technically, Taiwan isn’t a country you know…


“Anyway, since we are like, one nation; we recently had great success with the new CHINA VACCINE, and we would love to share it with you guys, as a show of good will.”

“Oh, no thank you…we’d prefer to wait…”

“What???? After everything I gave you, and how much I sacrificed for you you don’t want it! It’s for your own good! Don’t you want to be healthy!?”

“Yah, but I don’t really trust you.”

“Damn bro…that’s cold. I’m only looking out for your best interests and the best interests of all involved!”

“Yeah…but I want freedom of speech.”

“Freedom of speech! There’s no time for that man! There are lives at stake here! Do you want the blood on your hands!

Sounds familiar doesn’t it…the rhetoric spewed by the government, and all the corporate owned companies that own the media showing over and over how you’ll be a good citizen, and how all protests are loonies spreading conspiracies…and maybe rightfully so…people’s IQ are at an all time low, and douchy fake news guru’s swindling cash is escalating. And when you get scammed, who do you call? Your friendly neighbourhood government.

Do we trust them? No. Do we need them? For now yes, make it seem like you’re a good citizen, keep your head down and smile and wear that mask, and as soon as they aren’t looking, then work on that escape plan. You know who you are, you know what you can do, and now you have time to do some research, watch some youtube videos and figure out where and how your master plan is going to take place. And don’t worry, even if this masterplan fails, you will find the next one after that! (Ain’t I encouraging? )

So are you with that?

Speaking of going against the government, I have recently gotten lucky by finding a new floral supplier. My green got delivered, absolutely air tight. The soul squeezed out of the bud, a truly sad sight to behold, but hey…if you haven’t seen a flower in a few months; and you are a botanical admirer…then wouldn’t you? But it’s good to feel it again, the tingling creeping sensation in the back of the head. The ideas flowing, the fast thinking, the listening of music and the feeling of being in the moment. A good way to end my little 2 week holiday for being a kindergarten teacher…but hey, it’s good money, and the only way I’ll stop it, is if I can get my escape plan together to find a way out of this money maze. But hey, I’m investing, I’m creating, I have formed enough of a routine to make time to spend on things which build up my skills and time to think and paint out my plan ahead. I’m positive, perhaps, chill even some days.

So now, things were looking up. The rain had come and the droughts had disappeared as fast as they came (Asia in a nutshell for you, 0 to 100 in a week), oil and bud were mixed, and level 2 was announced on our side…but wait, this is a government we are talking about, so don’t expect rationality in their hot pursuit to acquire votes (in this case taking no risks whatsoever). Our Vaccine situation is: A lot are coming (probably) after September, thanks to our wonderful local billionaire businessman Tony Guo (Owner of Foxconn, and who ran for president in our last election); so currently, there aren’t enough vaccines to go around. Only the elderly and those with medical conditions have access to it, the rest have to wait.

Now, due to our numbers dropping very quick, due to Asian obedience, we have just entered level 2, and schools can reopen. Good right? Well, the government also announced that if teachers are not vaccinated yet (as most people under 50 are not) then they have to submit PCR tests every week to show that they are negative. Dude, never-mind the teaching I have been doing, now we need to be extra careful and shove a stick up our schnoz every week, in addition to wearing masks, and no one says jack to the all-mighty government. The numbers keep going down, so maybe there is something to listening to your government? Damn…maturity is affecting my punk rage!

Why rage when you can jazz?

Regarding the vaccines, Taiwan did not comply to China and did not get any of their vaccines. The rich Taiwanese flew to other countries to get theirs. And we, the darlings of Asia, received pity from America and Japan and got vaccines from them. Taiwan is developing its own vaccine in the meantime. Tony from FOXCON has ordered millions, and a Buddhist organization also purchased a lot. Many are, as I said expected after September. I don’t know the reason for the hold up, but knowing these Taiwanese, it’ll probably be stuck at customs to make sure there are no illegal drugs to be found.

Punk rock has slowly been dying a slow death. The age of laziness is upon us, where quick thumbed fatties are voting with their wallets and outrage, who have declared that they want to be taken care of as much as they can. If you don’t come from old money and your internet career hasn’t kicked off yet, then sorry buddy; you gotta swim with all the other fish and smile underneath that mask. Cause we all want that precious protection. We want chilled lo-fi music and girls who sound like Rihanna everywhere on the radio, because enough people want it.

But hey, mister Li Hai is chilled bruh, he is smoking two different pipes while playing Fifa and need for speed, and listening to some old ass music from youtube playlists. He is teaching the kids of tomorrow, finding time for his girl and working on his future escape plan, slowly but surely. He believes that the green inspires him, and doesn’t slow him down. He is model citizen who will play football in the park with his mask on, because at the end of the day, we have to keep living right? Punk rock survives in the heart, and my personal punk rock now, is walking outside with the mask under my nose; doing things too illegal for most of these Taiwanese to even comprehend is possible; living minimal with as few people as possible, and climbing my high’s deeper into self realization.

Would I like to go back to South Africa? Sure. Do I think it’s a good idea? Probably not. Unless if I can use my capital and crypto gains to purchase a giant grass operation and make my own specialized CBD oil, then lets talk figures…but in the meantime, this African bum is serving “the man” while thinking how he can escape the plantation and buy his own 40 acres. Would I like South Africa and it’s politicians to get their shit together, and come up with ways to help the poor economy? Sure! Do I want my tax money to be taken by the government and used for “things”? Hell no. Immigrate me financially all day baby. I’ve seen what you do to people’s money.

So smoke a bowl and feel the punk rock anger within you burn. This chapter in the history has shown the people of earth that the government is not your friend and you only have yourself. So don’t get kids just yet…lets wait until this all blows over. And in the meantime, listen to the music that pushes us beyond our comfort zones; which might be the next big war we have to fight (within ourselves). And also, to any South African reading this, when I say punk rock anger within you and not listening to everything the government tells you do, I don’t mean go and burn shops and steal TV’s, cause they all have insurance anyway, and you’re not really sticking it to the man, but looking like an asshole.

My plan you might ask? Well it might seem silly, it might seem cynical, but it is in fact to keep writing, and maybe write something for Netflix, after all, there is so much crap on there, I figured maybe a writer of my “high” calibre could at least attempt? What do I have to lose? Clearly Netflix is here to stay, seeing as the people have chosen. But “it’s my life, it’s now or never, and I ain’t gonna live forever.”

Stay high and stay lifted

Jin Li Hai

take it easy.


Jin Li Hai

Jin Li Hai is a traveller, and storyteller, walking the road less traveled. He is from South Africa and is currently living in Taiwan, a small island in Asia, where he has to figure things out, tell stories, be a responsible adult and adapt everyday while being an educator. Fast Times in Taipei High.

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