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Euphoria, short lived but highly sought after; the collective item those rare birds seek out. Poetry aside, your narrator has been waiting for a while for the real things, and finally, since the Chinese New Year, the harvest has born fruit, and once again, Jin Li Hai has been reunited with his former earth mistress.

She tastes bitter and sweet, just like this earth; Jin takes a puff and reflects: How many times must a man/woman be hit in the balls/vagina again and again, just having to find a new way to bounce back? After all, we’re all trying our best to stay afloat, and now it feels like we’re jumping through the hoops for some sort of cosmic test. Hell, it’s enough to make anyone stop believing.

Photo by Josh Wang via Unsplash

The leaf burns and reveals one to slow down. The ego can take hold and lead us down corridors where things should rather be left unsaid, but in the moment felt unavoidable. In order to express, to keep one’s sanity and pride, the fickle thing. One moment riding high and the next moment, your confidence shattered, you doubt your whole path up to this moment.

Taiwan is bipolar, especially her weather. This winter we’ve probably had 50 cold days. Sometimes they last a week. A week of icy rain followed by weather one wears shorts in. So we adapt and grow our skin thick enough, until the next unpeeling. We put our fingers in pies, and hatch seeds; invest in people, like ol’Li Hai had to do with his local contact in order to keep this green train afloat. To tell you the true tale; we baked a Malva pudding together; couldn’t find apricot jam. Had to use strawberry. Tasted good, maybe this could be my side hustle he mused.

photo via Jin Li Hai

But alas, in a world where everyone wishes to schmooze themselves in the least tasteful and most gratuitous ways possible possible, how do you get your finger in that pie? Maybe take another hit, and see if your brain can pierce through the malaise of everyday existence far enough to invest your time into something dope.

The revolution is coming. Inflation is going up; the dollar is gonna crash; crypto will rise, the middle class will change and you gotta find your seat before it gets chosen for you. Too high to write, but unable to make this high go to waste.

Stay lifted

Jin Li Hai

Chapter 35

 Have in your hold the great image
And the empire will come to you.
Coming to you and meeting with no harm
It will be safe and sound.
Music and food
Will induce the wayfarer to stop.

 The way in its passage through the mouth is without flavor.
It cannot be seen,
It cannot be heard,
Yet it cannot be exhausted by use.

Tao Te Ching- Lao Tzu

photo by Joel Fulgencino via Unsplash


Jin Li Hai

Jin Li Hai is a traveller, and storyteller, walking the road less traveled. He is from South Africa and is currently living in Taiwan, a small island in Asia, where he has to figure things out, tell stories, be a responsible adult and adapt everyday while being an educator. Fast Times in Taipei High.

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