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We’re in the future now my G’s; 2021, and all that Alex Jones and David Icke have predicted has come true; the vaccine is on the way; 5g is making us infertile, soon a Brave New World awaits; but fear not, if you’re anything like JinLiHai, you have one foot square in the future and the other one bare, with your roots planted deep in the womb of our ever evolving Earth.

JinLiHai, is your friendly neighborhood Samaritan and he is brining more cheer than a Cheech and Chong Christmas special. JinLiHai is teaching the kids, investing in Bitcoin, and charming Chinese Teachers all around, and trying his best to enlighten the sleeping masses around him, Matrix style.

Far too many are sleeping nowadays and its strange that the Matrix haven’t reached more, when it fact it feels like people are working their way in the opposite direction of wanting to be plugged into the Matrix and having their smiley faced emoji avatars do the talking and shagging for them; but as 2021 and before has taught us all, don’t judge, you on your own so respect the hustle. I earn my own money, I make my own choices, so what I want to do with that is my own steeze. If I want to invest in golden oil, bitcoin, or VR porn rigs, that’s my choice; and if you’re against my happiness, than may a reddit swarm downvote you into hell and allow your stock to crash, so that you may cry like those poor wall street billionaire’s too! (go suck on that, knob cheese!)

by Vernon Raineil via Unsplash

“you on your own, so respect the hustle”

Fuck me how I envy you knobs down in Africa, I just mention the word “cheese” and I get visions of all the strains our local strain reviewer has referenced. Yes life gets difficult, and as the struggle continues, so man must come home at night and relax his brain, lest he goes beserk and shouts at unassuming asians, and so said the Lord on the day of rest; but who even respects the Sabbath anymore? JinLiHai does, and as hard as he works, to bring gradual enlightenment, he also needs his days of rest and relaxation. Those oils aren’t cheap; they’re made in China and costs 1kR for one. I’m sure you guys would complain, but when you earn Asian babysitting fees, that is but a monetary afterthought, one far less egregious and taxing than the thought of the ANC getting one cent of money from taxes. Send your financial hawks to find me, cause you won’t! This mofo now has 4 bank accounts and not one with a South African tax number you dogs; talk to me when you fix your unemployment and start developing the middle class business sector, but eish, I digress. This is a space for stoning, zoning and spirituality, not these earthly things that only appear in this lifetime, and as Radiohead so effectively said; “I’m not here, this isn’t happening.”

“This mofo now has 4 bank accounts and not one with a South African tax number”

I suppose at this point, you might be wondering how one can stay plugged out of the matrix, when the masses seems to be moving in that direction…well, here are some healthy tips.

  1. Gaming = Alzheimer prevention (and girlfriend dryness); daily dosage, one to two hours of Hunt Showdown or Escape from Tarkov (and finding a woman who accepts you as you are and doesn’t want you to get rid of your hobbies, and if that’s the case; tell her to stop watching FB videos, or Korean drama’s if she’s asian.)
  2. Moderation bro; in food, exercise, drink, relaxation. Dude’s need hobbies, but not indulgence without the goods to show. If your goods ain’t showing, then reevaluate your choices brother bear.
  3. Smoke some stuff with your significant other, no matter where you are; it always brings you back to the inner world, no matter if the outside world is 3rd world, industrial or in the bundies; having recently flipped through a book written by a man who survived Auschwitz, I found a passage saying, that when the outside world becomes bleak and soul crushing; the inner world, the memories, loves, and poetic nature of experience and inner growth increases tenfold; so if you’re feeling shitty, just read a book about people who survived Auschwitz.
by Dave Weatheral via Unsplash

4. Investing in oneself; invest in the long run. Get stuff for your face, even if its cheap; invest in an asset; evaluate if you are really where you need to be, and if you see it working out for much longer. Vitamins; daily sweats, daily smokes so one doesn’t get one’s head wrapped in layers like a turban.

5. People. Choose the right people. You see the danger signs, pull out. You see someone who if you let them take the wheel, jump out. If you see someone’s got insight, but is rough around the edges; help them straighten it out. You never know when it comes back.

Here is hoping all of you homegrown heroes are coping along and that your stocks will rise along with your personal plants. Salutations, and as always. Stay lifted!

Here a tune for you to get lifted to, preferably at night and alone.


Tao Te Ching Chapter 16– Lao Tzu

 I do my utmost to attain emptiness;
I hold firmly to stillness.
The myriad creatures all rise together
And I watch their return.
The teaming creatures
All return to their separate roots.
Returning to one’s roots is known as stillness.
This is what is meant by returning to one’s destiny.
Returning to one’s destiny is known as the constant.
Knowledge of the constant is known as discernment.

Woe to him who willfully innovates
While ignorant of the constant,
But should one act from knowledge of the constant
One’s action will lead to impartiality,
Impartiality to kingliness,
Kingliness to heaven,
Heaven to the way,
The way to perpetuity,
And to the end of one’s days one will meet with no danger.

by Clear Cannabis Via Unsplash


Jin Li Hai

Jin Li Hai is a traveller, and storyteller, walking the road less traveled. He is from South Africa and is currently living in Taiwan, a small island in Asia, where he has to figure things out, tell stories, be a responsible adult and adapt everyday while being an educator. Fast Times in Taipei High.

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