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Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight, why the bush does not burn up.” When he had gone over to look, a voice called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!” And Moses said, “Here I am.”—I’ll have what he’s having! As it turns out, it may well have been a bowl or two of HanSolo’s Exodus Cheese….

We artsy types know all too well that finding inspiration, especially of biblical quality, can feel like scouring the mountainside for that lost sheep. My creative blocks, in any case, often involve forty-year wanderings in the desert, much gnashing of teeth, and various forms of idolatry. But lo, and I beheld—a fire upon a pungent bush, and from it there billowed a great cloud which led me from the wasteland and into the promised land. In short: if you want creative juices flowing like spring water from torrid rocks, Exodus Cheese will be your steward. Just mind that you have your project ready to go, lest you find yourself lost and aimless in the garden of ideas.

The first whiff of this beautiful strain makes it clear that it’s a cheese; sharp, punctuated with strong notes of molasses, tea, and barley. The dense crystal-covered buds have the delightful texture and consistency of popcorn, and go up in a quick burn that leaves you with smoke that tastes just like dab, only with the slightest hint of harshness. I really love this one and think I’ll try it in doobie form; a joint of HanSolo’s Exodus Cheese at sunset, with a paintbrush in my hand and an idea that needs a shepherd.


John Pot

John Pot is a half-baked (often baked) linguist, aspiring novelist, painter of portraits, fencer of foils, hiker of hills, and happy backyard farmer. Raised in Jeffreys Bay, he now works among the artefacts and heirlooms of old Stellenbosch.

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