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It’s all natty, bro.

Fresh off the drying racks, the flower buds on this nugget are the biggest I’ve seen yet. The way the sepals enclose the petals reminds me of a muscular shoulder… So make of that what you will. My thirst aside, Highlander’s Banana Daddy (or as I affectionally call it, Piesang Pappa) is beautiful: with frosty leaves just starting to turn purple and dense little bundles of bright amber trichomes. It also has one of my favourite qualities, where the bud crumbles with minimal effort without leaving a sticky mess; this mitigates the need for losing yield to a grinder—in other words, maximum gains. Besides the main twig, there’s not much in the way of stems (and no seeds) either—all that bulk is real.

Curb your worry that Banana Daddy smells like a gym sock. It might be his manly aftershave, but he sports a predominantly herbal aroma (think hay, cut grass, oregano) with fruity hints of citrus and ripe banana. Taste-wise it’s quite mild, the herbal and banana flavours carrying over the strongest. The smoke itself is voluminous but goes down smoothly—remember, the buds are swol, so you don’t have to burn a lot for a pretty substantial cloud.

Do you even lift, bro?

Banana Daddy does lift—moods, to be specific. I accredit my great mood this last week to Highlander’s Banana Daddy. I’ll admit, it can make me feel a tad lazy, but once I start engaging with work, something creative, or whatever, it puts me in a good groove. In May it took me the whole month to finally answer my emails and whatsapps and send an invoice, but I’ve been on it since Banana Daddy came into my life. I guess in truth he’s a damn good motivator, and what I called “lazy” is actually a profound sense of calm and relaxation. It turns out that you get stuff done when you chill the fuck out.

Another great feature is that for such a THC-heavy strain it doesn’t make me want to spend my rent money on UberEats. With this and its other effects—and its plentiful yield—it’s perfect for joint rolling. Go for a walk, curl up with a book, work out, play games, do whatever you want…

Banana Daddy’s got you.

Banana Daddy is a terrible spot, though.


John Pot

John Pot is a half-baked (often baked) linguist, aspiring novelist, painter of portraits, fencer of foils, hiker of hills, and happy backyard farmer. Raised in Jeffreys Bay, he now works among the artefacts and heirlooms of old Stellenbosch.

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