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It’s been dry. For an island usually lush with green and vegetation; the overreaction of COVID 19 has started to seriously fuck with my shit more than before. The fields and dry and I am left with nothing but my vape to console me at night, and I just got a Playstation 5. Isn’t that the parable of king Midas? All the gold, but no means to enjoy it with?

isn’t she a beaut? image via Martin Katler (via unsplash)

Sure there is some Kings Spice available. I have been offered, (by my ex-D) but at R900 a G, it would go against all of my principals, so for now, I’m staying in the future, sucking hard on the technochrist, and spacing out into the void of chemically extracted THC made in China, wondering where the heck I’m going and constantly rethinking my life over and over until the next hit, mixed with our favourite weekend 9% alcohol strong Grape Beer from Japan, (the Midas Parable rises again).

image via Clear Cannabis (via unsplash)

Speaking of droughts, Taiwan is having its first one, since forever. Now, as we all found out recently…Taiwan is dependent on typhoons, in fact, if a typhoon doesn’t hit, then you are where we are now. The winds by some strange coincidence, didn’t align to provide the moisture necessary to bring enough rainy material together, and here we are.

Water switched off, 2 days a week. Me and my homies have been filling up buckets, showering that way and doing our best to conserve, being the out of place foreigners that we are. Coincidentally, while households water have been restricted, carwashes are still allowed, because apparently, according to foreign talks, the gangsters use it to as money laundering fronts, and the cops are too scared to F with them. So, F us all right? The recurring theme, of money over quality of life in Asia keeps rearing its ugly head.

So imagine, on an island without any water, grass being 900 a pop, you’re working your ass off because you know you’ve only got this time to get ahead as much as you can and invest it, and yet, at the same time you just feel your water supply limit, as you’re praying for a typhoon, and you learn that had your government preempted this case, that things would have been a lot better? Sounds familiar?

At least its all good; at least a few weeks ago yours truly was able to have an acid rebirth at a beach, restoring his childlike perceptions and also was able to get some traditional Chinese medicine to suck out the bad juju out of his skin (ancient Chinese cupping therapy), all whilst being able to jam some PS5 and get lit with a little pen that emits no odor. So all things considered, its fine I guess…until either we run out of water or China invades. (at least their rocket ship missed us and fell into the ocean, so let’s hope that this lucks holds.

So you can find mister Li Hai now, pouring his money into crypto, playing his new games (Oddworld; Fifa 21; Justice; Last of us 2), hoping for some green to pop up somewhere, and drinking some green tea, being hopeful every-time he sees a cloud coming and hoping for rain. Here I thought I had escaped the thin years of SA and find that the same shit happens all over. Even on a tiny island. Here is me, praying for rain.

hoping for this…image by Neenu Vimalkun via Unsplash

Stay high and stay lifted

Jin Li Hai

and here is the song of the day

Hoping to get some of that cat’s vibes and highs…


Jin Li Hai

Jin Li Hai is a traveller, and storyteller, walking the road less traveled. He is from South Africa and is currently living in Taiwan, a small island in Asia, where he has to figure things out, tell stories, be a responsible adult and adapt everyday while being an educator. Fast Times in Taipei High.

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